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  • Solutions
    By firm size or type:    
    New Menu Icon

    New, Growing & Boutique Firms
    Smarter Drafter delivers immediate results for firms just starting out. Learn more...

    Major Menu Icon

    Mid & Major Firms
    Transform how knowledge is shared and utilised within your firm. Learn more...

    By feature:    
    Instruction Menu Icon

    Reshape your client engagement and move instruction-taking online. Learn more...

    Assembly Menu Icon

    Create complex legal documents in a fraction of the time. Learn more...

    Word Menu Icon

    Complete in MS Word
    Complete the final version in an environment you know. Learn more...

    eSignature Menu Icon

    Send documents for eSigning with just a few clicks. Learn more...

    Save Menu Icon

    Combine document automation with document management. Learn more...

    BYO Menu Icon

    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter's BYO functionality. Learn more...

    Clause Bank Menu Icon

    Clause Bank
    Clause Bank from Smarter Drafter delivers a centralised repository of clauses, with AI-enabled search so every team member has access to accurate and approved legal language. Learn more...

  • Precedents


    Cover all major practice areas and unlock immediate results with Smarter Drafter ‘Essentials’ precedent bank.


    Access precedents dedicated to your specific practice area via Smarter Drafter content partners.


    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter’s BYO capability.

  • Resources
  • Get started


Unlock your FREE 7-Day trial of Smarter Drafter

Duration: 15 minutes

Smarter Drafter is automating Australian Law Firms from instruction to eSignature.


Morgan James, Director of Sales

Designed to scale to any size law firm, Smarter Drafter brings together the most accurate and up-to-date legal precedents with state-of-the-art automation.

With over 760 automated precedents, legal documents, court forms and instruction taking forms, law firms are saving time and reducing risk across every practice area.

What's covered in this 15-minute demonstration:

Daily Demo Icons-01See how easy it is to draft complex legal documents using automation, in a fraction of the time of traditional methods

Daily Demo Icons-03Hear how to transform your processes with online instruction-taking forms and digital signatures, all integrated with your existing practice management system

Daily Demo Icons-02Learn how Smarter Drafter can immediately assist any firm in confidently expanding the services they offer to clients.

Be up and running the same day
At the end of every demonstration, all participants are given access to the Smarter Drafter FREE 7-Day trial. So why wait, register now...